Dr Simbai Mudzi invites you to attend our Heart Health initiative, delivered over four 1-hour presentations.
Life Medical Centre’s revolutionary delivery of Group Medical Talks gives patients and non-patients access to evidence-based medical presentations.
This is an opportunity to learn the answer to these questions, and give yourself the tools and knowledge to reduce your risk factors and improve your Heart Health.
Come and learn the truth about Heart Attacks, and the simple steps you can take to reduce your risk.
If you know, or feel, that you are at risk but struggling to implement real changes, this initiative TEACH you how to implement lifestyle and habit changes to reduce your risk.
Dr Simbai’s Heart Health initiative will be delivered over four 1 hour presentations, each with their own focus.
Heart Health schedule:
Session 1 | 2nd October 2:00PM
Explaining Risk Factors & How They Lead To Heart AttacksSession 2 | 16th October 2:00PM
Healthy Food Choices with Evidence & Understanding Food Labels
Session 3 | 30th October 2:00PM
Movement & Recommended Physical Activity Guidelines
Session 4 | 13th November 2:00PM
How to Implement Lifestyle Changes, Why It’s Hard & How to Make It Easy
To Register, complete the form below.