What is “Lifestyle Medicine”?
Lifestyle Medicine is the newest field of sub-specialisation in modern medicine. The specialty was named in 2008, and the field of practice has only gained worldwide momentum among GP’s and Allied Health Providers (such as physiotherapists & dieticians) and public health sectors over the past few years. It is now finding it’s place in the curriculum of top medical schools internationally.
Abundant evidence now connects overweight/obesity to a chronic low-grade inflammatory state manifested not only by cells of the immune system but also, notably, by the fat cells (adipocytes).
This process is collectively known as 'Meta-flammation', or “chronic metabolic inflammation” and proves that there is a common cause to our pandemic of modern illnesses like Type 2 Diabetes, Pre-diabetes, heart attacks, 13 types of cancer and dementia, to name a few.
Metaflammation has either NO symptoms, or vague symptoms such as fatigue, sugar cravings, generalised aches, low vitality and low grade mental health issues.
The diagram illustrates how lifestyle and the environment is the CAUSE directly, (or indirectly through obesity)…which is the CAUSE of Metaflammation…which is the CAUSE of our modern chronic diseases.
This is why Lifestyle Medicine can address the real cause of 80% of our modern day medical problems. Lifestyle Medicine is not “alternative or holistic medicine”.
Prof. Garry Egger
Is “Lifestyle Medicine” right for me?
Overweight, obese or unhappy with your current weight?
The Lifestyle Medicine Centre combines the latest evidence-based research and best practice methods from the worlds of both medical and psychological science to deliver effective weight loss solutions and long-term change.
Do you have diabetes, are you pre-diabetic or have risk factors for heart disease and cancers?
The Lifestyle Medicine Centre provides services not only for weight loss, but for prevention, significant improvements and possible reversal of a range of chronic diseases including diabetes and heart disease.
If you are overweight/obese, have you been screened for Insulin Resistance or Pre-Diabetes?
Carrying extra fatty tissue, especially abdominally, is associated with Metabolic Inflammation that has a strong association with Pre-Diabetes.
You can be screened by your GP or through our Lifestyle Medicine Clinic.
Click HERE to take the AUSDRISK - a quick survey that is designed to find out your risk of developing type 2 diabetes within the next five years.
Are your household habits and daily routines leading to disharmony, stress and carrying extra kilograms?
Life can be complicated and overwhelming. Analysing our household habits objectively is not easy… we can’t always see where we’re going wrong. We may just plod along and suffer the symptoms of our circumstances.
Our Lifestyle Medicine Clinic provides access to professionals including Internationally certified Lifestyle Medicine Physicians, Life Coaches and Exercise Scientist who can assess your circumstances, coach you through changes and help your family lead lives with more vitality and confidence.
Are you stressed or sleeping poorly?
Modern life sees a high prevalence in stress and sleep related symptoms, with evidence to show this leads to Metaflammation. Using Lifestyle Medicine and combining that with general practice and psychology, we aim to provide you with solutions.
Are you often fatigued, emotionally overwhelmed and lacking general life positivity and vitality?
The Lifestyle Medicine Clinic recognises the impact of lifestyle change on overall quality of life, not only weight loss. You will find our Lifestyle Medicine service and programs are designed to increases both your emotional and social wellbeing, as well as your biological health.